Demo Reel


Current Project


In development

Unreal Engine Third Person Controller

I am designing and programming a character controller for a third-person action-adventure game using the Unreal Engine. I am using C++ and Blueprints to handle logic and develop libraries allowing me to design input for each individual action.


Featured Projects


August 2017


My capstone thesis at UC Santa Cruz for the Games and Playable Media program. You are a volcano, and your island home is now covered in small creatures; use your volcanic powers over the eons to make these creatures fear and respect you, building up your reputation among other islands. I worked in a team of 18 students to develop this game.



Head Above Water

My entry for our three-week prototype project at the beginning of the Games & Playable Media program’s Fall 2014 Quarter. Head Above Water is about a man who wants to cross a river, maintaining his stamina while making sure he never runs out of oxygen.




A mobile puzzle game I designed and built on my own in Java with the LibGDX API. You drag your cursor across the square Cells to combine them into Vials. When you release the cursor the Vial is submitted, but the further away your Vial’s color is from perfect gray the faster new cells are added to the white queue column. How long can you last before the Queue over